Friday, September 28, 2018

Getting Familiar with Google

Students now have their personal Google accounts.  Their username and passwords are glued inside of their Agenda Mates, so if they are ever looking to do some practice at home, they may do so.  We will be using Google Classroom once in a while for homework this year as well.  In addition, many of the programs we use at school may also be accessed through their Google accounts.  If you haven't sent in headphones for your child yet, please try to do that by the end of next week.  Thank you!!!

Today, students created their own Google Doc and practiced using various functions on the toolbar.  I gave them a very specific "Task List" to follow, and I was so impressed at how well they did.  They learned to bold and underline text, to center text, to number a list, change the font as well as the font size.  Check out the pictures below to see them working on this activity!

Well done everyone!

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