Thursday, October 25, 2018

Exciting Happenings in Room 8!

Today students received letters from their Sixth Grade Buddies.  Everyone was so excited, and we'll finally be meeting with them Monday afternoon to do some fun Halloween activities.  Our partner class is Ms. Magee and Ms. Osowski, who are co-teaching this year.

As a matter of fact, three students from this class came to our room today to celebrate this month's superpower - CREATIVITY - by showing students how to create a personalized jack-o-lantern using Google Slides.

This week we've been working on a new letter to our Indiana pen pals, and tomorrow we will be doing a Google Hangout with our friends in Cary, North Carolina.  We'll be able to see each other and talk about A Boy Called Bat in real time, which is so exciting!

Next Tuesday, we have parent volunteers coming in to help us with our annual Pumpkin Exploration activity, which is a bit messy, but so much fun!  Students will be combining their math and science skills to explore concepts like mass, density, and volume. 

Stay tuned for pictures of these exciting events.....

Monday, October 22, 2018

IXL Login Information

Hello Parents!
If your child is interested in using IXL math at home, please have them use the link below .

IXL Math

Username is their first initial, middle initial, last name.
Password is their Google Password WITHOUT THE NUMBER.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Connecting with others for the Global Read Aloud!

This past week, we have received handwritten letters from our Elkhart, Indiana pen pals in Mrs. Troutman's class, we've talked with our new friends in Cary, North Carolina on Flipgrid, and we've been sharing ideas with these friends as well as those in Canada on Padlet!
I've included our first Padlet below.  Scroll through and check out the titles to see where students are located! 

Made with Padlet

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Learning to Peer Edit

We are beginning to wrap up our first personal narrative in writing, and yesterday, students used a checklist to individually review their work for specific elements such as:  a focused seed idea, an attention-grabbing lead, transition words, and a thoughtful ending.  

Today, we practiced peer editing for the first time.  To begin, I modeled this process with a wonderful student volunteer - thank you Elise!  Students then were partnered up and given a peer editing checklist to use.  They took this task so seriously, and as I walked around, I couldn't believe how thoughtful they were being about each other's work. 

I've included pictures of the checklists below as well as some student shots.  Well done third graders!