Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Great Pumpkin Activity

I'm pleased to announce that our pumpkin activity was a huge success on Friday!  First, I'd like to thank our parent volunteers:  Mrs. Cantalupo, Mrs. MacKeen, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Dupuis, Mrs. Rolfe, and Mrs. Green.  Without their help, we definitely could not have completed this project.

 Students worked with their parent volunteers to describe their pumpkin by its physical properties.

 Circumference was explored by using various materials like paper clip chains, string, and pipe cleaners.  Students really worked together to find the best strategy for measuring!

 Everyone investigated the concept of buoyancy by predicting whether or not their pumpkin would float.  Many were surprised to find out that indeed - pumpkins DO!

 Mrs. Hubbard's group hard at work building their paperclip chains!

Other items were explored at the water tub as well.  Students found that their pumpkin and the pepper both float due to the air inside.  Other, more dense items, like the marble, rock, and bouncy ball both sunk right to the bottom!

Mrs. Dupuis talking to her group about why that big pumpkin is floating in the tub!

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